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Freelancer Lessons and Strategies

Posted in Career, Freelance, Learning, Management, Programming Language, Software Development by Khang Vo on January 23, 2011
freelancer jobs

freelancer jobs

As my plan in Adelaide, I want to get some job to earn money as well as keep me up to date with industry technologies. However, this turns out to be much harder than I believe when Adelaide is such a small city that does not have many IT companies here.
Then, I started my second option in my plan to looking for freelancer jobs and going to websites that offer freelancer jobs to see what I can get from there, and things are growing up fast enough and I learnt some key lessons over the my new job.



Price was my first concern over deals and bid to get accepted a project. However, I can see that most of times, price is not the top priority for employers. What they care is they can have a high quality product in a short amount of time with a reasonable price. My strategy is to pick a fixed hourly rate for myself when competing and then just calculating over the number of hours I need to work and give them a general price.
I try to convince people about quality, in many terms: communication and product. I think it is true for any work with clients to try to exceed their expectations, try to understand their problems well and do exactly what solves their problems. The price can be higher but we can save time, money and make people feel safe, they would hire us. So, don’t aim for only price. Put one that is reasonable and prove clients that it is worth every penny


This is always a way to cut down the business cost. People hire me because they want to look for more reasonable price with the same quality. And I can make another step to outsource them back to Vietnam developers. It cut down the price for me and the client and I can save my time to more important jobs, such as studying in my university 🙂 (Supposed to be the most important one)

There are certainly more aspects about management when you have to do outsource and communication with customers when both of these are remote only. I don’t forget about technology lessons that I learnt and expect to learn and work over these freelancer works. These will be shared on the next entry.


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Anonymous class Java

Posted in Java, Programming Language, Software Development by Khang Vo on June 6, 2010

Some days ago, when answering a question on stackoverflow , I just recognized that I didn’t understand much about anonymous class in Java. Maybe I am not the only one, so I post it here. I think this should be in some book already, but by my bad, I didn’t read it well.

Ok, here is a simple question on stackoverflow:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
          new myClass() {
             public String toString() {
               return "myInterfacetoString";

          new myClass() {
              public String myFunction() {
                return "myInterfacemyFunction";
and the user asked why the output is:

It is extremely easy, right? Because you override the method toString() of the Object class. But then, the questioner asked more: how about change from new myClass() –> new myInterface() with some interface myInterface already declared, what would happen?

My first thought is that the class name of the anonymous class is not necessary and having no relationship with the real class, interface sharing the same name.

But I just remembered about some of my snippet code before with

new Runnable(){


public void run() {}


will behave well like a runnable object

So, what is a correct way of anonymous class. After asking Google, I found a good link about it:

There are 2 main important points:

new className(optional argument list){classBody}

This expression instantiates a new object from an unnamed and previously undefined class, which automatically extends the class named className, and which cannot explicitly implement any interfaces. The body of the new class is given by classBody.

The result of executing this expression is that a new class that extends className is defined, a new object of the new class is instantiated, and the expression is replaced by a reference to the new object.

new interfaceName(){classBody}

This expression instantiates a new object from an unnamed and previously undefined class, which automatically implements the interface named interfaceName, and automatically extends the class named Object. The class can explicitly implement one, and only one interface, and cannot extend any class other than Object. Once again, the body of the new class is given by classBody.